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streets of Mumbai

streets of Mumbai
  • Fotograf:
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  • Beliichtungszäit:
    1/15 sec
  • Blend:
  • Brennwäit:
    50 mm
  • ISO:
  • Blëtz:
    No Flash
  • Beliichtung:
    0 EV
  • Gréisst:
  • Späicherplaz:
    523 KB
  • Originaldatum:
    2011:03:28 18:00:38
  • Fotoapparat:
    Canon EOS 5D Mark II
  • Programm:
    Aperture Priority
  • Objektiv:
Kategorie: Architektur / Stiedt »» Misc
2. Kategorie: Mënschen & Emotiounen »» Kleng Kanner

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Kommentar vum Fotograf:
One of the last days in India, in Mumbai.
I actually just wanted to enjoy the sunset, as I suddenly heard some music, and screams of joy.. Curious as I am, I followed the voices, and ran into a group of people who were dancing and singing, not more than 15 I guess. After doing several photographs of them, they invited me to celebrate with them... They were celebrating a god, by playing music with drums, and other instruments...
Why was everyone red? Well, I can't answer you to that question, though, they had plenty of that red powder, and threw it on everyone they ran into (me included :) )
Dancing on the streets, where cars and buses are rushing next to you just a few centimeters away (literarily), we were heading to an unknown destination direction sunset. All the children surrounded me, asked me questions about me, my family and one thing I will for sure not forget are their smiles... smiles, full of joy and happiness and so truthful as well trustful. They invited me to dance with them, they ran across the street, and bought me food, they took my hand and pulled me to a food seller next to the street, and bought me an indian Hamburger.. and I just knew them for several minutes...
It was, my best evening I had in my life.. well, ok... maybe not the best, but I consider it to be in my top 3! :)
I made great new friends, and I hope I will mee them again in one part of my life!! :)
Olivier 28.03.2011 - 18:08
By the way... the colors are all natural! (apart that I used curves, and contrast)... It was at sunset, and there was a very unusual light as you can see, though, a very beautiful one!
Nagarjuna 28.03.2011 - 18:39
Wéini war dat? Dat ass mengen ech den Holi Festival (falls et Februar oder März war).
EDIT: Ech gesinn grad eng Statue vum Ganesh an deng Exif soen September... also hun si d'Gebuert vum Ganesh gefeiert... smile
Nagarjuna 28.03.2011 - 18:42
Flott! Do ass eng lass. Ech hunn och nach Fotoen vun dem Fest aus dem Sikkim. Ech gierf zwar soen dass awer nach een klengen Magentastach an der Foto ass. Flott Story och! smile
Garry 28.03.2011 - 18:43
Ett versteht een jo suguer mettlerweil waats de op Englesh tipps closed_eye
D'freht mech wierklech fier dech datts de sou vill erliews an der Lescht!!! Geneiss ett ...
Du müssen machen wie Schwamm, weisst du? -> schlllllllllllllllopp ........ saugen, saugen und verdauen! Mee ech mengen daat wees du mettlerweil selwer all ze gut closed_eye

Deng Foto fannen ech awer lo net den Hit am Verglach zu aaneren :P

alles Guddes Roadrunner smile

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